Our Divas Do Christmas 2019 Performers

Anahareo Doelle (Aerial Artist)

Anahareo Doelle

Anahareo Doelle is the co-producer/co-founder of the St. John’s International CircusFest. She is a graduate of the National Circus School of Montreal where she specialized in aerial hoop and silks. For the past eighteen years she has performed in various shows, including places such as Canada, Switzerland, Italy, Norway, Japan and Germany. She performed and lived in Berlin for seven years before she returned to her hometown St.John’s in 2011 with her husband and family.

Anahareo is a certified in Acrobatic Arts, Yoga, and Pilates instructor and operates her own aerial school “iFly Aerial Arts” at Wonderbolt’s downtown studio, The S.P.A.C.E. She teaches classes for students aged-5-67 and loves sharing her passion with others. Anahareo is the Aerial director for budding new aerialists of the iFLY Performance Troupe. She is very excited to be planning the third St. John’s International Circus Fest and is thrilled to be bringing more circus to the East Coast.



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