La Cage Aux Folles (The Birdcage) Performers

Caitlin Harte (Meme Renaud)

About La Cage (The Birdcage):

Caitlin Harte

Caitlin is a 3rd year English and Theatre specialization student at Memorial University. Thanks to her theatrically inclined parents, she has been a proud member of the St. John’s theatre scene since the age of 3, and cannot imagine what she would do without it in her life (or what real free time feels like). Caitlin has worn numerous hats both onstage and backstage with TaDa!, Best Kind Productions, QVRRDF, Atlantic Light, Holy Heart, MUN Drama, Shakespeare by the Sea, and Acting Manitou. She is grateful to be working with the TaDa! team once again, and thanks Terri, Evan, and Pam for this fun opportunity. The best of times is now!


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